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About us

Let's get acquainted

Human history is intertwined around art, from the earliest symbolic stone carvings and cave drawings from the Late Stone Age to the latest digital art as a form of visual communication.

Art is powerful, transcending the borders of forms, time, geography, languages and cultures to create meaningful connections among people.
Over the centuries, it has served as a potent mechanism to build solidarity, challenge oppressive power structures and mould society towards a better version of itself.

Project Veera is a means to harness the intriguing power of art-activism to create political expressions geared towards building a more egalitarian society. Through Project Veera, we strive to create a dynamic community of bold local and global artists, who channelize their creativity to represent pertinent gender issues through their distinct artistic vision and ignite social change.


Our Veeras


Our Patrons

Ms. Harsmirat Kaur Badal

Union Cabinet Minister of Food Processing in Govt. of India

Mr. Rabindra Narayan

MD & President of PTC Network

Ms. Divya Dutta

Actor, Author & Travel Junkie

Ms. Amrita Raichand

Lifestyle Chef | Tedx Speaker | Writer | YT Channel

Ms. Sarah Ali


Ms. Hanifa


Valiant Equality for
Everyone Through Art.
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