when you open your eyes in the morning,
and when your body struggles to wake.
I promise you, the second you set your feet to the ground
I can hear the ground quake.
because strength just woke up,
courage just opened its eyes,
beauty just yawned and stretched her arms
turned to the left to say good morning to bravery


when you drag your feet through the fierly aisles leading to your washroom,
a part of me wants to misspell ‘feet’. because trust me,
getting out of bed today, was a ‘feat’ in itself.


when I see your toothpaste kiss the bristles of your toothbrush,
every strand of hair on my skin wakes up, saluting a warrior’s presence. it is you brandishing your sword. getting ready to wage another war against your mind.


I see you forcing yourself to stand under the shower,
I can feel every drop prickle your skin. your scars bare,
i want you to tell you
that no,
the shower isn’t smirking
the lather isn’t the soap’s laughter.
nobody is joking about how skinny you are.


when you drape the towel around your body,
tell yourself you’re a masterpiece, getting ready for the big reveal.


you make your way to your greatest enemy,
pull out an arm to start the match,
wipe away the fog,
and you turn the timer on


you could only look at your reflection for sixteen seconds today,
without having to cringe and look away.
I want to tell you,
that that’s okay


because I woke up this morning too,
and could only stare at the sun for seconds twenty two
because even the sun,
i promise you, even the sun
doesn’t shine as bright as you